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    RS PRO Insulated Crimp Bootlace Ferrule, 8mm Pin Length, 1.5mm Pin Diameter, 0.75mm² Wire Size, Blue

    This image is representative of the product range

    300 In Local stock for delivery in 2-3 working days, delivery time may vary for certain locations or FTZ
    21300 In Global stock for delivery in 4-6 working days, delivery time may vary for certain locations or FTZ

    Price Each (In a Pack of 100)


    UnitsPer UnitPer Pack*
    100 - 400MYR0.411MYR41.10
    500 - 2400MYR0.402MYR40.20
    2500 - 4900MYR0.394MYR39.40
    5000 - 24900MYR0.386MYR38.60
    25000 +MYR0.318MYR31.80
    *price indicative
    RS Stock No.:
    RS PRO