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    Payment Options

    You can chose how you would like to pay

    You can open a cash or credit account – or use our guest checkout for a one-off order and get automatically registered to My Account.

    There are different ways that you can choose to pay:

    • Cash Account:  This is method of payment available immediately; you can pay by credit or debit card.
    • Credit Account:  So that you can make future purchases with us, complete this form to open an RS Credit Account.
    • Guest Checkout: You can purchase products without logging in or having to go through the registration process.

    Utilizing electronic modes of payment will benefit you through improved efficiency, convenience, greater transparency, reliability, and security for your transactions.

    You may send your payment via EFT or TT to the bank account below and e-mail the remittance/payment advice/bank-in slip to

    Bank name: HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd Account name: RS Components Sdn Bhd Bank address: 2 Lebuh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur Beneficiary name: RS Components Sdn Bhd (387407-M) Account number: 201-230844101 Swift code: HBMBMYKL

    Kindly send the remittance or bank-in slip through the e-mail address above. To facilitate efficient tracking and prevent delays in your shipment, please indicate the following information in your e-mail:

    • Invoice Number, for customers with credit facilities • Order Reference Number, for customers without credit facilities

    Should you require supporting documents to certify the accounts above, please let us know through the contact details below. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone from 8 am to 5 pm.

    **Email: ** Phone Number: 03-5021-5888

    Account and Billing Enquiries

    If you have any billing queries or need to update your account information, please email or call 03-5021-5888 between 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday.

    If you need to change any of the details on your invoice, please email or call customer service on +603 5021 5888 and quote your Sold To/ Ship To Number, your name, your current invoice address and your new invoice address.

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